Acrylic is a translucent material that is typically used for varied purposes. One of the major functions of the material is to create Indian art paintings. Do you have acrylic painting? And, thinking of how to preserve it for long time? Indeed, keeping your artwork from safe is bit tricky task but not as arduous as it seems to be.
Through this post, I would like highlight few tips by which you can keep your unique piece of art painting pristine clean. Let's have a close look at ways that you can adopt to retain the elegant look of your acrylic painting for long time.
# Firstly, try to avoid placing the paintings under direct sunlight or onto hot surface. Since, due to direct exposure to sunlight the artworks usually fade away. Hence, always ensure that you keep them in a place where direct sunlight doesn't come or under halogen and recessed lights. These lights don't affect the paintings consequently the artworks remains the same for long time.
# You should also avoid keeping the artworks in extremely high or too low temperatures. For instance, never display them in areas with room temperature either above 60 °C or below 40 °C.
# For ultimate results, you should ascertain that you position paintings in places with relative humidity. Plus, ensure that the artwork is hanged in an area where the temperature remains constant.
# Don't keep any rigid object pressing against either in the front or the back surface of the stretched out canvas as this can result into permanent indentation (that is dent mark). In case, you are moving or storing the painting ensure that wrap it in package that is moisture and water resistant.
# Besides this, the packaging should also be cushioned so that it can absorb shock that can happen due to bumps. According to industry experts, the package should be wrapped and sealed to ascertain that it is dent, puncture, and humidity resistant.
# If you are thinking of cleaning the surface of your Indian art painting without professional help, then try to avoid the usage of solvents or other cleaning agents. Since usually the cleansing agents are push in dirt inside the artwork, which furthermore causes permanent liquid lines over the surface that gives the painting a very unpleasant look.
# Instead of using cleansing agents try to use compressed air in a can to drive away dust from the surface. If you are not able to find compressed air nearby your place, then try using a dry and soft briselled brush to lightly clean the surface. You should be watchful when brushing and ensure that you don't hit or scratch the painting due to reckless movement.
Ultimately, would say that take good care of your acrylic artwork and retains its beauty for long time simply by following the above suggested measures.