There is no denial to the fact that the association of humans and art dates back to the pre-historic age. The innate quality of humans to be associated with beautiful things has aided the wide acceptance and popularity of arts amongst masses. Art is no longer restricted to paintings and sculpture, but it has become a representation, a form of individual expression that is a sort of embankment for any culture and democratic society. Art, especially contemporary art, is perceived as a representative of human engagement with ideas. The significance of art does not only lie in its communicative characteristic, but it extends to our day to day life. Let’s explore the significance of art in our day to day life through following points.
Art Makes You Smart
There are several reports doing the rounds over Internet that states art education sharpens problem solving and critical-thinking capacities. One such report is by Americans for the Arts. When youngsters draw or paint a subject, they have to carefully access the theme and make small choices, which help in the development and refinement of decision making skills. These skills can later be used in other aspects of life. Even things like observing visual art and listening music have positive impact on mental ability.
Art Connects People
India has always been known as a county of rich culture and vivid heritage. You must have noticed that every culture of this nation has a distinct art form associated with it. It won’t be an exaggerated statement to say that art is an integral and inseparable part of our culture. Art is so powerful that it becomes representative of the life and trends of a particular age, and subsequently acts as a binding force to connect people.
Art Inspires and Empowers
It is often said, “A life without cause is a life without effect.” As it is intrinsic to human nature, we need to be constantly motivated to get going. Without a cause, motivation or inspiration, life holds no beauty or meaning. There is no doubt that art inspires us. It makes us see the things beyond the apparent; the meaning that reason fails to comprehend. Nothing takes us out of the mundane of daily life to its utmost impressive form better than art. An instant game changer, mood enhancer, art uplifts and stimulates people to a level where they feel unstoppable.
Art Gives a Perspective and Helps People Build Individuality
No one can deny that art, especially visual art, help people form perspective. A painting is viewed by different people differently. Children who practice any art form like acting, painting, writing, singing or dancing gain confidence. Art motivates people to form opinions and stand by them; thus, art helps people build individuality.
Art has Therapeutic Effects
Had a tough day in office? Won’t you like to take out five minutes, sit down on a couch and simply retreat to the beautiful meadows that the landscape painting hung in your living room depicts? The mere thought of spending time like this revives our energies, testifying the fact that art has therapeutic effects. People relate to art. Once in a while, we come across a book, a movie, a poem or a play in which we find our reflection. Such art forms help one connect with their inner self, give them the chance to meditate, and provide them the much needed restorative touch.
Art is a Safety Valve
Art is not only a mode of expression and celebration, but it is also a medium of catharsis. From time to time artists have confessed that paintings let them release tremendous build-up of emotions and feelings. It also helps artists to break the shackles of self-doubt. It is an elegant and esteemed refuge for those who want to deal with their pent-up emotions gracefully.
Art Takes One beyond Material
While there are artists who create splendid contemporary art, but that does not necessarily mean that one have to create masterpieces. The art that one creates is almost always a masterpiece for its owner. It is priceless. Creating an artwork teaches one to find pleasure in trivial things. Certainly art takes one beyond material.
Now that we have learned how art impacts our lives positively, don’t you want to introduce art in your life? The simplest way to do is by bringing home some paintings. Regardless of the fact that you buy Indian contemporary art paintings or abstract paintings, these paintings will surely fill your life with positivity.