Some people are good at expressing themselves, while this doesn’t come easy to others. A person may be feeling isolated and might exhibit some dreary symptoms like low confidence levels, unhappy mood and self-esteem issues. Depression can be extremely challenging and it can make people feel isolated. The people who have faced it will agree that it feels like a dark channel to escape from and ends up making daily work seen extremely overwhelming. Since time immemorial, psychologists and therapists have been working on devising various medications to cure this mental illness. Talk therapy and other treatments can help a depressed person, however, the solutions aren’t restricted to these two methods only.
Colours are everywhere and this widely available entity is used to cure one of the strongest mental ailments: Depression. It is a widely known fact that humans are visual creatures and anything which is visually attractive tends to affect us positively. Colours are a strong aspect of any visual. How well a thing might look to the eye depends immensely on the various hues which are used in that. Psychologists and other therapists have used this to their advantage and have created one of the most effective treatment: Colours. This remedy is catching pace and is spreading like a wild fire! To explain it in simple terms, this is a comprehensive healing process which uses the observable continuum of light and colour to affect a person’s temperaments and mental well-being. Each colour can be segregated on the basis of the frequency and vibrations it creates. It is believed that these specific properties can be used to affect the energies of a person’s body. Psychologists suggest that paintings, belonging to the right colour palette, can make a positive impact in the mind of the person viewing it. That is why they suggest buying contemporary art, modern art or any other form of art which suits the person in a depressed state. A constant exposure to a beautiful stream of colours can provide progressive results.
Colour Meanings:
The first step into understanding colour therapy is to gain an insight into the various colours and the possible effects which they can have on one’s mind. In order to heal a person spiritually, there are certain colours which can work tremendously well. A smart use of these can surely promote better well-being and harmony which is quintessential in curing depression. Some important colours are mentioned below.
- Green:
This is the most basic colour which is immensely helpful in healing. One can buy contemporary art belonging to this colour family and it is sure to leave a lasting positive impact in the longer run. The colour green can help in fostering the feeling of responsibility, an emotion which can help a patient immensely in rising above the quicksand of depression. Green symbolizes life and nature. In addition to this, it is extremely soothing to the eye and helps in keeping calm. It nurtures an aura of freshness and a constant exposure to this shade will surely benefit the observer in curing the ailment. - Yellow:
Yellow is the colour of hope and happiness. Both of these attributes lack immensely in a person who is facing depression. Yellow has a very warming effect and is extremely helpful in stimulating mental activity. An individual going through depression can buy contemporary art in the hues of yellow to arouse the feelings of cheerfulness and merriment. As this colour represents sunshine, in the same manner, it aids in spreading brightness of bliss in the place where it is kept. - Red:
Red symbolises energy. There is no denial to the fact that red is a very emotionally profound colour and can have lasting impacts on its observers. This colour can evoke certain attributes in a person which includes, but are not limited to, enhanced metabolism and increases respiration. The impact of this shade can vary depending on the particular hue which is chosen. A dark red represents leadership while the lighter one fosters the emotion of joy and passion.
Before you decide to buy contemporary art in these colours it is important to create a balance. Continuous exposure to a certain set of colours can lead to negative implications if it isn’t well-adjusted with others. Colours have a deep and long lasting effect on human psychology. This is the main reason why psychologists and therapists are using them, along with other treatments, to maximise the results.