Pep Up Your Personal Spaces With Mixed Media Art

Posted by Neeti Patial on Oct 13, 2014 03:31:05 pm

The beginnings of mixed media painting dates back to 1870 to 1914, during the late Victorian years. It is also popularly known as La Belle Epoque, a French phrase which means the beautiful age or the gilded age.Rising advancement in technology and fading rigidityin social mores influenced artists of the time to explore unknown waters of creative expression.  Consequently, Indian art has gone through a radical transformation with the passage of time. Absolutely innovative and modernistic styles, such as Impressionism and Art No... Read more>>

Fiberglass - The Magic Medium In Art

Posted by Naina Arora on Oct 10, 2014 10:20:00 am

Fiberglass is a complex material which is mostly used in automotive industry. It is a very adaptable material and comes in different forms in the market. It is very flexible and easily transformable and is being used by the artists from many years to create a variety of artworks for public and private places. Many of you must have seen a fiberglass installation and if touched then it gives and itchy feeling and which develops rashes and irritation afterwards because of the minute particles of glass in it. Because of its unique feat... Read more>>

How to Preserve An Oil Painting?

Posted by Geetanjali Mukherjee on Oct 09, 2014 11:04:51 am

Oil paintings are susceptible to weathering and accidental damages. In order to avoid it, painting owners can contribute substantially towards preventive conservation of their art collections. Basically preservation of a painting slowsdown its deterioration. Note that preserving an oil painting is not a tough task, it just seems to be difficult. Here are a few steps to help you carry out proper preservation projects for oil paintings: - Select a room with proper lighting of up to 200 lux. This room should exhibit stable tempe... Read more>>

Evolution of Indian art paintings

Posted by Shashvat Vats on Oct 08, 2014 12:08:28 pm

Nothing major has ever happened overnight. It takes a number of stages and numerous processes to reach the present situation. Art is no exception to this rule. Especially, Indian art, which has travelled a journey of thousands of years and multiple dynasties to stand in the current position. Have you ever thought about how art started in India? There is no collective consent on the dates, but it is expected that Indian art is more than 5000 years old. The first of the civilization used to paint images on cave walls. Then, ... Read more>>

Figurative Painting: An Intriguing Art Form

Posted by Geetanjali Mukherjee on Oct 07, 2014 05:04:03 pm

Figurative art is better known as 'figurativism'. This form of artwork represents paintings and sculptures which are derived from real-life sources. Artists in India pronounce this art form as a representational painting style which is very different from abstract works. Figurative art paintings illustrate modern art with deep seated roots and strong references to the real world. As a matter of fact, this type of artistry is heavily dependent on line, shape and color. Light and dark otherwise called illumination, also plays... Read more>>

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